Four months ago I came to Europe
determined to fall in love with the land
Slightly embarrassed to say I was American
with no plan to go back.
The last four months I’ve begun to realize
what America has stood for.
I’ve begun to realize
everything I took for granted.
That my parents could leave their homes
leave their families and everything they knew
to build a better future for themselves
to raise children to have open minds and
believe in the good of not only America
but people as a species.
That the efficiency and success of America
was built by our people’s bare hands.
Our people’s hands being of every skin color
because in America, we are all equals.
The last four months have taught me to appreciate America.
To be proud to call myself an American.
Today, everything I’ve finally come to appreciate has been spat on.
Stepped on.
Doused in gasoline.
And set to flame.
That the majority of my country supports
racism. sexism. xenophobia.
That the majority of my country believes that I,
as a Latina woman, am a criminal that can be
“grabbed by the pussy” by a man because he is famous,
is heartbreaking.
I am the product of the American Dream.
That America has now determined that the
American Dream was not meant for immigrants,
but for the white men of its land,
leaves me in a tattered state.
My sense of identity is compromised.
I feel naive for believing my fellow Americans shared my values
that we are all equals.
My sense of identity is compromised.
If my beliefs are not in line with those of the majority of America,
can I call myself American?
Today, I am ashamed.
My heart bleeds for immigrants like my parents
who thought America was better.
Today, America let us down.
Four months ago I came to Europe.
With no plan to go back because I was going to love Europe.
Today, I have no plan to go back to America
because of the fear I have of the future of America.